Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sonic the Hedgehog reporting digestive problems

According to the Medical Science Monitor, Sonic will not be attending any more video game shootings for the rest of the year. Toontown Medical Center has reported having really bad gas and bleeding in the colon. Although they wouldn't tell us why, Fantasy World Report suspects it may have to do with his compulsive consumption of chili dogs.
"All he ever eats is that stuff. I knew problems would come around sooner or later," said Knuckles, his second-best friend and sidekick. "Tails has a more balanced diet. He's an omnivore as well. He usually eats more berries and fruits, drinks more milk and has less-processed meat because he's a fox. He also puts more cheese on his chili dogs, too. You really have to focus on getting that well-balanced diet. That's how I keep strong."
Sonic was not able to comment, but many of his friends wish him well.
"We know it's not serious or anything," said Tails, Sonic's best friend, "He should be back by the beginning of next year. I warned him about this."
The Medical Science Monitor concludes that Sonic will not suffer any long-term damage from this, but he will need time to recover. His treatment may involve surgery, after that he will need therapy.
"Oh, man," said Sonic, "Who knew something so good could cause so much pain?"

Friday, March 27, 2009

First Post!

Thank you for viewing my first-ever far-out blog. So, what is Fantasy World Report? What does it sound like? It's a news site!

So, what are we all about? Fantasy World Report reports an all that is unreal. We are what you'll never see. We report on all things fictional: Superheroes, cartoons, even some of your best novels. We'll report on all things that are happening in the realm of imagination.

The realm of imagination is what it sounds like. Everything that everyone's ever thought of ends up here. Most of it's on Fantasy Earth, and as you'd imagine the planet would have to be quite large. I'd do a map, but one important thing to note: there are several Toontowns. There's one in New York, California, South Korea and Japan. The biggest is in California, they have HUGE imaginations there.

So I hope you all enjoy this site and all of its hilarity! Oh, that's right, I forgot: we're mostly comedy. Have fun and see ya real soon!

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